Our message to you.
We're not here to sell you a dream life - instead, our mission is to help you curate a life based on a healed, healthy expression of who you are.
Our position at Clearing Space Wellness is that you're as powerful as you believe you are. And this belief is reflected by what you say about yourself, how you think about your place in this world, and how you value your time, talents, and self-care.
We also believe that your emotional space is just as important as your mental self - and to neglect either one leads to imbalance.
We look forward to working with you!
Our group sessions are designed to be an opportunity for bonding, finding strength, and common ground. Brighten up a ladies night or women's event with a Clearing Space Wellness custom group session. These sessions can be as lighthearted or serious as you choose.
We'll work with you to create a custom session featuring a topic of your choosing. Contact us to schedule a group session.
Why Life Coaching?
Life Coaching is a lifestyle practice that uses common techniques, such as reflective examination and re-scripting, to connect to answers that are unique to each person. Through the coaching process, clients can focus less on the external world and more on their own space - which is exactly where your focus should be.
Experienced life coaches use gentle examination of our choices, perspectives, and self-talk, to nudge us toward greater awareness so we can clearly see our strengths and problem spots. From there, a coach can assist with formulating a plan built upon small, measurable steps.
At CSW, we take a holistic approach to helping you move toward clarity, assessment, and solutions. This gives you the opportunity to shake up old rhythms and patterns to make room for new expressions of who you are.
Your Personal Development Consultant
What's Your Story?
Hi, I'm Jacinta! The vision for CSW Coaching and Consulting was birthed out of a desire to help women connect to their center - to those experiences that matter most to us.
I wasn't always a believer of soul searching - looking inward to find the solutions and direction I needed. However, over time, I learned to master this practice; I began to see the beauty of connecting to, and creating from, my own soul.
I firmly believe that if we want to experience well-being in our life, it begins with a healthy soul!